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Anunciar un Mes Gratis

priceless expression from black hooker as a white guy pulls up her tank top

Paradise Mixed With Chocolate

Walk the Malecon, go to a strip club or visit one of the many brothels.  There are beautiful women for hire everywhere, if you know where to look.  If you love black and brown girls, they come here from Jamaica and other dark-skinned islands looking for sex with white skinned gentlemen.  You’ll also find many Asian girls.  It’s very international.  There aren’t a lot of English speaking tourists in Veracruz.  This is another world from the seedy border towns like Tijuana, the quiet port of Tampico or the poverty of Mexico City.  Veracruz is one of the few places left in the world where you imagine lusty pirates coming ashore for sex and rum.

The Second Busiest Port in Mexico

Veracruz is Mexico’s second biggest and most historic port city.  (The biggest port is Manzanillo.) This is where Cortez founded his first city on the Caribbean coast of Mexico.  Pirates used to love Veracruz.  It was the city the Disney ride was based on, but this version is x-rated.  One-eyed men with untrimmed facial hair came to Veracruz with booty looking for….booty.  Aaargh.  With a rich history of naughty men and a population of around 600,000, you shouldn’t have trouble finding a girl for sex, whether she’s an escort or just a street hooker.