Happy Ending Massage in TJ
Erotic Massage in the Daytime
If you want a blowjob in Tijuana and it’s 11AM, what do you do? The answer is one of the many erotic massage parlors which continually spring up, go out of business then re-emerge with new locations and new names. The aren’t cheap. A typical cost for a 60 minute massage is $50. Sex is an additional $40 to $150 USD, depending on the business, the girl, and what you want her to do. The difficult thing about massage parlors is that your experience is very dependent on the girl you select. Crappy businesses can have one terrific girl, and vice versa. I can hear Forrest Gump. “Erotic massage is like a box of chocolates….”
Many inexperienced men look for massage parlors because that’s the only way they know to find sex. Men who are experienced in Mexico, particularly Tijuana, use escort services. The bilingual escort service we recomment in Tijuana is AdultBaja. If you truly want a massage that’s one thing, but if you really want an escort it’s much cheaper to skip the massage.
Maria Bonita Massages
+52 664 688 3549
8th Street between Constitution and Revolution,Downtown, Tijuana 22000
Massage: $40
Sex: $70 to $100
Open: 24/7
Baby Blue
+52 664 685 0282
Calle 4ta #7631, Central Zone,
Massage: $30
Sex: $40 to $60 additional
Open 9AM to 4PM Daily
Mermaids 2
8th Street and Ninos Heroes, Centro, Tijuana
Massage: $50
Sex: $80
Open 24/7
NB Elite
+52 664 634 7221
Via Poniente # 4246 local 23, Zona Rio, Tijuana 22010
Massage Only : N/A
Sex: $85 to $140, depending on girl, sex act, and phase of the moon
Open 9AM to 2AM
Cheaters Massage
+52 664 685 8638
Calle Ricardo Flores Magón, intersection of Av. Constitución y Av. Revolución,Tijuana 22000
Massage only: $50
Sex: $130
Open 24 hrs
Luxor Spa
Luxor Spa
In the Pueblo Amigo Plaza, Zona Rio, Tijuana 22010
+52 664 973 0382
Massage Only: $60
Sex: ?
Open Noon to Midnight, 12P to 12A
Many thanks to Adult Search.
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