No Escort Services in San Luis Potosi
The Legality of Agencies
Prostitution is legal in Mexico, but it’s illegal to take a cut, percentage or commission from the earnings of a sex worker. Some municipalities and states create rules that loopholes, if they want this kind of tax income. Places like Tijuana and Monterrey have tolerance zones. Most municipalities have strip clubs, though SLP doesn’t. It’s unclear whether the strip clubs that were open in 2013 when we last reviewed the city were closed by the city or from lack of clients. Cities like Guadalajara have figured out how to license brothels. But very few municipalities tolerate escort services. Â
The Ban of Escort Agencies Kinda Makes SenseÂ
The goal behind the law is to prevent slavery. This is a real problem in Mexico and law enforcement has gone a long way towards eliminating the practice. Brothels and strip clubs have fixed locations. They’re easy to tax, and easy for health inspectors to make sure the girls are clean. Some local governments just don’t want the problems they bring. Escort Services hide behind cell phones. They can keep the girls anywhere, and in any condition. Â
An Escort Service Loophole That’s Gaining Popularity
Escort services offer the convenience of multiple girls with one phone call. In many cities, groups of hookers have figured out they can run ads together. They offer variety and one-stop shopping. Since the girls know each other and become friends, they frequently offer threesome services. It’s also more convenient for events like bachelor parties when you need 8 girls at one location. You’ll find these faux agencies where girls advertise individually like Mileroticos.  You can search for “amigas” to narrow the results.Â