Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, City of Hidden Escorts

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Escorts Are Everywhere, Hidden In Plain Sight

Puerto Vallarta is the small city everyone’s heard of.  With only 275,000 people, it’s world famous for being a tourist destination with many prostitutes.  They can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look.  Puerto Vallarta has a lot of strip clubs, massage parlors and hooker bars.  While the massage parlor rarely offer a happy ending, the strip clubs and hooker bars are certain to satisfy.  Furthermore, there are streetwalkers in the historic zone and brothels right on the main highway.  Many of the girls speak English. That’s why we rank Puerto Vallarta #4 on our list of Best Escort Cities in Mexico


The Most Expensive Strip Clubs Are the Worst in the Country

Though we recommend the Puerto Vallarta Strip Clubs as a group, there are rip off clubs to stay away from.  You’d think that strip clubs with the most beautiful dancers and the most elegant furnishings would be highly ranked.  They are rip-off clubs.  This is where the taxi drivers want to take you.  You cannot trust the taxi drivers because they are paid large commissions by the Bad Clubs to take you there. 

Read our Beginner’s Guide to Mexican Strip Clubs.  Even if you’ve been to clubs all over the U.S. and Canada, you’ll learn how it’s different in Mexico.  Most of it is good news.