No Traditional Escort Agencies
Puebla Doesn’t Have Escort Services, Just Amigas
Every Mexican city has its own attitude and unique regulations regarding how sex is sold. None are wide open, without regulation. Likewise, a few have Zona Rosas. These are tolerance zones where authorities can keep the strip clubs and brothels contained. Tijuana is most famous for this, though Monterrey also has a Tolerance Zone. Other cities have areas where the elected officials keep paid sexual activity out of. It’s a reverse Zona Rosa. Mazatlan’s Golden Zone is a good example. The City Fathers of Puebla don’t allow streetwalkers, legal brothels or erotic massage parlors. From the lack of escort services in a city of nearly 2 million, we suspect agencies are discouraged as well.
Only a Prostitute Can Profit From Sex Work
First of all, Mexican law is fairly clear and reasonably logical. As you know, prostitution is legal nationwide. Profiting from the business of a sex worker is not in many states and municipalities. So in a place like Puebla, we suspect they don’t allow escort services for that reason. They don’t want Padrotes and Madrotas (the Mexican equivalents of pimps and madams) operating in their jurisdiction. Too often these people are associated with organized crime. Puebla is a pretty tranquil Mexican city. As a result, limiting profitable businesses for the cartels keeps the crime rate lower than the rest of the nation.
Amigas Aren’t Agencies
If you search Mileroticos for “amigas”, you’ll find alternatives to escort agencies. These are girls using the same number. Their ads show all their photos. Usually, you can enjoy them individually, in pairs and even as a group. This works well if you want to have a party and only want to make one phone call. This can also be fun for one guy. The escorts in Puebla are ridiculously inexpensive for the beauty and skill they possess. Therefore, you can have three girls for the same price as one of equal beauty in Cabo.Â