Monterrey Massage

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A map to the area where erotic massage parlors are located

Massage Parlor Bliss

There are a lot of great massage parlors in Monterrey. There are two tricks. One is finding something close to where you’re staying. (The City sprawls.)  Reports indicate that there is a neighborhood where happy ending massage parlors congregate.  The other trick is making sure they offer a happy ending.   A good taxi driver should be able to help you.  If you’re in town for more than a few hours, try a few taxi or Uber drivers until you find one that knows where the girls are.  

A Report From A Seasoned Monterrey Massage Lover

International Driver writes on the World Sex Guide that a great neighborhood to look for a happy ending massage experience in Monterrey is near the intersection of Ignacio Zaragoza and Calle Reforma.    See our map.  “Zaragoza & Reforma. Best place if looking for sex. I did three girls in 3 hours. Great massages & the girls are friendlier. I found few good looking ones. Price-100 pesos for 25 minutes (includes everything). So go in with $20 USD, you can have lot of fun. Show the girl the time in your watch.  Have her commit to how long the session will be.  That way you’ll enjoy a full session. ”  The report is 4 years old, so the prices will be higher.  It’s a great price even if it’s double. 

Osiris Mens Spa

AmigoMio writes also writes on the World Sex Guide “I have been told that Osiris has girls that give massage and charge cheap for a happy ending (full service is desired).”  We can confirm that.  Osiris has an OK website with so many disclaimers you know it’s more a whorehouse than a legitimate massage therapy center.  Go to their Twitter account and you’ll see a dozen semi-naked girls posing provocatively.  The website tells you which girl is working when.  Appointments are recommended.

The Value of a Good Taxi Driver 

“If I were you I would pick a taxi and say to the driver: take me to the “Princesitas Lindas” or perhaps the Osiris spa.   (If you can’t pronounce them correctly just write the names down in a paper and give it to the driver).”  “Princesitas Lindas” literally means “Pretty Princesses”. But you know that’s not what it really means.  It’s local term of affection for “Pretty Little Whores.”  It implies young, slender and slutty.  [ultimatemember form_id=”11399″]