
Monterrey; Hot Sun, Hot Girls

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Anunciar un Mes Gratis

map of northeastern Mexico showing Monterrey in relation to Laredo and McAllen Texas

Everything Except a Beach

Make sure to stay close to the air conditioning in Monterrey. Both the escorts and the temperature are extremely hot.  Even guys from Laredo, Texas come to Monterrey for the girls.  That’s 150 miles, just to get laid!  If you’re like most gentlemen, you won’t be spending much time outdoors. Monterrey is one of the hottest cities in Mexico, with normal temperatures well above 100. Like Palm Springs, in prehistoric times it was an ocean bed surrounded by undersea mountains. Unlike a lot of hot cities, you don’t get the freezing desert cold at night.  Experienced travelers plan staying at least one extra day because the escorts in Monterrey are incredible.  Part of the appeal of Monterrey hookers is that many speak English.

Escorts and Jobs Everywhere

Monterrey is 150 miles from Laredo, Texas; close enough to drive, but far enough to avoid the sleazy curses of a normal border town. It is one of Mexico’s most developed cities, with the highest per capita income in the nation. It’s also got over 1,300,000 people. It is a manufacturing hub for steel, cement, glass, auto parts, and brewing.  International companies have their Mexican headquarters here, flying in directly or through Houston or Dallas. Monterrey is often regarded as the most “Americanized” city in the entire country. It was recently voted the safest city in Mexico. There’s drug violence between warring cartels.  That’s just Mexico.  If you’re not a drug dealer, don’t worry about it.

The setting sun over the hills in streaks of red, orange, pink and violet
a picture of Monterrey city lights

Excellent Strip Clubs

Monterrey has 15 strip clubs listed on the ultimate strip club list, pretty close to a record. Regio writes on the World Sex Guide “Hello Guys, I’m a local, strip club life in Monterrey is awesome !!!! ” Everyone warns about the upper end clubs, calling them Corporative because execs on expense accounts don’t care what they pay.  We’re not talking a few pesos. We’re talking $1,000s of USD! Fortunately, there are plenty of great reasonably priced strip clubs.

Monterrey Has Sex For Sale Everywhere

Monterrey has everything; brothels, escorts, massage parlors with happy endings and lots of great strip clubs.  There are even many swinger ads for couples.  It only lacks an honest escort service.  For everything it does right, we rank Monterrey #8 of the Best Escort Cities in Mexico.