Escorts of Mexico

Merida Brothels

Finding Jungle Brothels in Merida

Brothels Staying Hidden

The only reports about brothels in Merida are old. They talk about how “sex for sale” is illegal within Merida city limits. However, finding brothels is not impossible.  All you need is a taxista (taxi driver) to take you to the edge of town. Hiring a knowing taxi driver is almost always a good way to find escorts.  This works in any Mexican city. Merida is no different.  

If you have your heart set on visiting a Mexican brothel in Merida, you´ll need a few words in Spanish at the minimum.  Fortunately, we have a Mexican vocabulary page.

The Best Brothel in Mexico 

The best brothel in Mexico is in Cancun, just a few hours drive from Merida. If you are visiting the Yucatan for its historical sites and can wait until you arrive in Cancun, you’ll have a better experience at the Pleasure Principle.  Some guys enjoy diving into the Mexican underworld, rubbing elbows with colorful characters.  Others value safety, cleanliness, courtesy and respect. Â