No Real Escort Services in Culiacan
Independent Escorts Join ForcesÂ
Most Mexican prostitutes put their ads on Mileroticos. It’s free and easy to use. Look for ads with a title that says “Amigas”. This means female friends. It’s not a true escort agency, but you’ll have a choice of several different girls.  Contact them by Whatsapp in Spanish. (Use a translation app.) Ask for photos of the girls. Make sure they mark the photos with names so you can ask for the girl you want. Â
Watch Out For Travestis
Travestis are Chicks With Dicks. Shemales. Trannies. It’s OK if that’s what you want, but a lot of ads have photos that are gorgeous. Most are “passable”, which means you won’t tell the difference just by looking. A lot more guys than would care to admit like a travesti occasionally. They are often more feminine than real women. They usually cost less. Plus, if you like anal it’s always included. A lot of travestis do things that are rare with female escorts. Many lick your ass. (Black kiss.) Many do BBBJ and swallow cum. Most guys just want a regular woman. Make sure to read the ad carefully so you know what you are getting. Â