
Culiacan Has The Most Beautiful Women in Mexico

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Anunciar un Mes Gratis

The Capital of the State and the Drug World

The city of Culiacan is the capital of the state of Sinaloa.  There are nearly a million people in Culiacans municipality.  A lot of them are English speaking escorts.  It’s 40 miles from the Sea of Cortez, not close enough to cool the desert heat.  The average daily high temperature is 90 degrees.  The Tamazula and Humaya Rivers meet in Culiacan to form the Culiacán River.  Traffic is awful.  The streets are narrow and there are six bridges which add to the bottlenecks.  Culiacan is the center of the Sinaloa cartel.  Unlike a lot of other Mexican cities with drug money, in Culiacan much of the drug money is reinvested in legitimate businesses.  Think of Miami in the 1980’s.

Home of the Beauty Queens

Mostly, though, Culiacan is known for the beauty of it’s women.  (4 Miss Mexico’s in the last 10 years have been from Culiacan.  There are 31 states.  Their fair share would have been 3%, not 40%.  These women are unbelievable.) You probably knew that El Chapo’s young wife was a former beauty queen.  With all the government offices and the offices of businesses dependent on government contracts, Culiacan has excellent clerical opportunities.  Mexican men aren’t stupid, and it’s just as easy to hire a pretty girl as an ugly one.

Don’t be Confused.  Housewives Dress Like Whores

Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger) at one of the sidewalk cafes late in the afternoon, and watch the parade of beauty.  (If you can stand the smell of the cars inching through the crowded streets.) Mexican office girls dress like hookers in the U.S., but don’t be confused.  See that girl over there with her breasts spilling out of her top, with bright red “fuck me” pumps and tight skirt?  She’s not a prostitute.  Most likely she’s a secretary, wearing normal Mexican work clothes.  She’s probably on her way home to fix dinner for her mama, her husband and her children. 

Many people all over the country say the most beautiful women in Mexico come from Culiacan.  Guys come to Culiacan to do business with government offices.  It’s a wealthy city, with a lot of money changing hands.  You think there might be strip clubs, brothels and escorts?  The answer is YES!