Strip Clubs Outside Cuernavaca City Limits
Nice Clubs, A Little Pricey
Cab drivers rule in Cuernavaca. There are lots of visitors who don’t know where to find the strip clubs. They do. Many forum reports mention they found the strip clubs they were looking for with the help of a taxista. Unlike other cities, there was not one report of problems with dishonest cabbies. (Cab drivers in Puerto Vallarta conspire with some of the strip clubs to overcharge your credit card.) Charmedude wrote the following on the CityXGuide in Cuernavaca.
“There are 4 strip clubs, where you can get some action but it will cost you. ( I spent too many $ for me and my cousin.) The girls drinks are the main way the bar makes money. Just ask any taxi driver. The clubs are Amazone, Emporium, Emu and a fourth the driver said was too dangerous. (It was the first one on the street). ”
Cheaper Alternatives
Jabritza wrote on the CityXGuide forum “Most clubs are out of town down or off the main suburban highway Paseo Cuauhnauhuac between 4 and 10 km from the center. I am reliably told that Amazone is the best of the bunch. The best girls being available every second Friday payday (quincena in Spanish). Alternatively go to Club Acapulco and get a girl to come by your hotel the next day before she starts her shift. There are also mega cheap places in Jojutla, but thats in the south of Morelos.”
A More Detailed Report
Stig2, a Cuernavaca monger, says about strip clubs in Cuernavaca “None in the city itself by law, all are on the outskirts. Four or five are located on the federal road to Cuautla, all a 4-5 buck taxi ride from the city centre. Amazonas is the closest. I doubt the women in there are Mexican as they are all about 1.80+ (5’11”) tall.
Then comes Gema (pronounced hema, like you’re clearing your throat), not bad, 10 pesos on the door, beer prices OK. Usually around 10 -20 girls, range from dogs-7/8. If you see a good one grab her as she won’t be free for long. Private dance 20 US for 2 songs (around 7-8 minutes) will include hand job but more of an inducement to take them out. They allow no action on-site. A salida costs around 100-150 to the bar (less if you consumed plenty drinks), girl will want around same but bargain hard, motels a short taxi ride away (5 mins) will charge around 40 US for 6 hours max.
Fantasy Bar
Further on is Fantasy Bar, much the same deal and my preferred destination. It is larger and brighter. Sometimes there’s a better selection of women. (I saw a double of Halle Berry in there once, but was way down the line of panting guys to get to her). It’s right across from motel, so you can walk across the street with a willing dancer. There’s another big strip club about 5 Km further out. It has a large round dance floor with open showers behind where the women clean-up after their dance. Again, pretty similar to the other two.
There will be more places out this road, and there are some on the federal road to Acapulco in Temixco. In all of these places the girls change quite regularly. Most are from Mexico City, but there are local girls there too. If you go to one place and there’s nothing decent, it might be better the next night. Alternatively, just hop in the cab to the next place. Most girls not too hardened. If you treat them well, GFE’s are possible. I’ve had some who will stay for a few days if you buy them some clothes etc.”
“Treat them well, and GFE is possible.” That’s either the world’s best bumper sticker or the world’s worst gravestone epitaph
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