Massage in Cuernavaca
Did You Think You Were In Cabo?
We Americans confuse people from other countries and cultures. How did it get started that massage parlors became brothels in the United States? Who knows and who cares? The important things to realize are that 1) prostitution is legal in Mexico therefore 2) When a Mexican wants his dick sucked, he goes to a hooker. 3) When he wants a massage, he goes to a licensed therapist. It’s only in Americanized cities like Cabo that you’ll find Happy Ending Massage. There may be esteticas, a combination of beauty parlor / massage parlor / brothel. These are unique to Central Mexico, particularly Guadalajara. Ask a local cab driver (taxista) to help you find one. That’s only if you can enjoy sex on a thin massage table.
Better Ways of Getting Laid in Cuernavaca
If you are just looking for a chica, try either the independent escorts or the strip clubs. Cuernavaca is known for its semi-pro hookers, students and housewives who moonlight for a short period in their lives. They don’t work all day, every day, and often want the sex and much as you do. You might even be able to start with a massage. For Gringo guys craving GFE, these amateurs-turning-pro escorts and dancers can give you memorable experiences.
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