Cancun Sex Motels

Sex Motels in Cancun & PDC

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Anunciar un Mes Gratis

girl with huge tits in a hot tub
sexy motel room with champagne and two glasses

Did you just find out that your all-inclusive hotel isn’t “escort friendly?  Maybe there are other reasons you can’t have a hooker in your room.  Don’t despair!  Do what Mexican businessmen do and go a sex motel.   (In Mexico, they are called Motels de Paso). This page is particular to Cancun and Playa del Carmen.  

Affordable, Private, Convenient

Married Mexican businessmen who want to bang their secretary use Sex Motels. These are motels where Mexican men and knowledgeable tourists go to enjoy escorts. If you are traveling with others and cannot use your regular hotel room, or if you’ve made a rookie error and booked a room at a hotel where they don’t allow hookers (which is the entire group of all-inclusive hotels), you can go to one of these hotels and rent them for a few hours. Once you have checked in and have a room number, you can have an escort come to you without problems. Girls will usually NOT meet you there and help you check in. You have to give them a room number.

Get a Suite With A Jacuzzi and Order Room Service

These are not bad places to wait for a Mexican prostitute. You can order cold beers, and start filling the jacuzzi. When the beers arrive, you don’t have to do anything.  The lazy susan has hall access for the waitress.  She puts your beer and food in the lazy susan, then turns it.   Now the beer and food is only accessible in the privacy of your room, so you don’t have to dress, answer the door and deal with the server. You can order a complete meal or snacks as well as just drinks. There are many  love motels in the area.  Ask your escort to recommend a Motel de Paso near your resort.

 Try These Motels

 There are several sex motels, Motel Cancun Pleasure Dreams Villas in Cancun,  Sensations Boutique Motel in Puerto Morelos and Motel Splendid in Playa del Carmen. All the cab drivers know where they are.   So do the ladies.  

All the rooms look like sets for a porn movie, with bright colored furniture and wall hangings. You will be disappointed if you only rent your girl for a couple hours. Experienced hobbyists get a blowjob in the hot tub, where you can sip cold drinks and relax with your Mexican morsel. After a little rest, your chica can stimulate you orally again, then move to the bed, the Kama Sutra couch, even the plush chairs are all made for sex.  You can literally have sex all over the room.  It’s better than a regular hotel for entertaining an escort.

Take a Risk and Try Something New

We understand.  You’re in a foreign country where you don’t know the culture, the laws or the language.  It’s safer to stay near the resort.  No one threatens you.  Everyone speaks English.   What we’re suggesting takes you out of your comfort zone.  We understand your fear.  But here are the facts.  You are breaking no laws.  Prostitution is legal.  You are not offending the culture. 

Motels de paso (sex motels) are set up for EXACTLY what you are using them for.  Renting a motel room, even using a translation app on your phone, is not hard.  It’s inexpensive.  What will it cost for the best suite they have, drinks and snacks from room service and a hot Mexican escort?  From $250 to $350 USD….for everything.   Take a deep breath and try something new.   The experience will be amazing.