Cancun Independents

English Speaking Independent Escorts in Cancun

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All Inclusive Resorts Ruin The Fun

Finding a hooker who speaks English in Cancun can be really hard.  The reason is the all-inclusive resorts.  They are set up to receive families and couples, not welcome prostitutes.  When a guy finds out the guest fee doubles the cost of his room, he’s not going to pay the guest fee and the cost of the girl.  Cancun is one of the few places in Mexico where almost everyone is from somewhere else.  This includes the escorts.   It takes several months to learn which hotels allow guests and which don’t.  An escort from Argentina will show up and be turned away only once or twice before she learns how hard it is to gain entry.  After that, she won’t go to any resort.

Busty Mexican with big bare breasts on her knees, giving a handjob

Most Tourists Won’t Use The Solution 

The solution is usually a bigger leap of faith than most tourists are willing to make; sex motels.  In Cancun, one option is the Auto Posada Bombay, a sex motel.  These are short time motels designed for Mexicans, not tourists.  They usually rent for 4, 6 or 8 hours.  Any Mexican who can afford a trip to Cancun will know about them, though in Spanish they are called Motels de Paso.   Follow the links to learn more.  Most tourists won’t use something this different.  But for those with the cojones, meeting an escort in a motel de paso will be the highlight of your trip.

Where to Find the Independent Escorts

If you can’t find someone here, try a Google search for “escorts cancun”.  This search will get you almost all “Spanish Only” girls.  If you haven’t got confidence in using your phones translation app, search Google for “english escorts cancun”.  The first listing will probably be The Pleasure Principle.  It’s not cheap, but it’s a sure thing.  They are listed on our page for Cancun Massage.  Mileroticos has the most listings, almost all in Spanish.   Over 95% of hookers in Cancun speak only Spanish.  You can make a date with them!  This is going to be a huge stretch for most tourists, but it can be done.  

Most of us hate learning new things, especially if they sound complicated.  However, the solution lies in simple technology available on your phone.   Read on!   

Sexy Mexican Hooker taking on her cell

How to Make A Date With a “Spanish Only” Escort

This isn’t as hard as it will sound.  The problem for most guys is that it is too many new things all at once.  First, use Whatsapp to contact the girl.  Explain you are using Google Translate, and that you would like to make a date.  You’re not going to be able to ask 5 million questions.   The most you should ask is for her price, since most ads don’t say.   Ask for two hours.  Pick a girl, make a date.  If you are OK with the price she quotes, ask if she is available on the day and hour you want.  If she says “yes”, tell her you will be getting a room at the Auto Posada Bombay.  When you have checked in, tell her you will let her know the room number. 

Want more details?  We have created an entire page to making a date with a Mexican girl if you only speak English.  If you are in Cancun and flying out tomorrow, it may not be worth it.  However, if you have time and come to Mexico regularly, you are missing out!  This is a skill worth learning! 

It’s Only New To You

You’re probably thinking that since you’ve never done this before, that it’s new to her as well.  WRONG!  Any  prostitute in Mexico has been to dozens of motels de paso, and in Cancun Auto Posada Bombay is the most popular.  She’s going to think you’re a pretty slick American!  Most Gringo Guys want the girl to be there first or check in at the same time.  That won’t work.  She isn’t going to some motel and maybe you don’t show up.   This girl doesn’t know you.

Don’t Try To Change The Rules

By being courteous, renting the room and arriving first, she’s going to be impressed.  Make sure that you confirm with her an hour before the date, unless you are setting it up for an immediate meeting.  Tell her that if she does not answer your confirmation request, you will assume she has changed her mind.  This will further cement in your girl’s mind that you are experienced and serious.  She knows you will call another girl, and she doesn’t want that.  By now, she wants to meet this Gringo who knows the Rules of the Game.

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