Finding a Happy Ending Massage in Cabo
For the most part, massage in Cabo San Lucas is therapeutic and legitimate. Particularly, it is part of United States culture that associates massage with prostitution. The vast majority of massage offerings in Cabo are professional. If you are interested in getting laid, this is not the easiest route to take. However, if massage is your preferred method of foreplay, you can spot the brothel parlors from the others. There are clues to help you limit the field. What colors do they use in their marketing? Do they stay open past sunset?
Watch the Signs and the Marketing
While legitimate massage parlors may have their off-duty therapists on the sidewalk drumming up business, ALL the Happy Ending work this way. The easiest way to find out is simply asking. If the young lady doesn’t speak English, the Spanish for Happy Ending is final feliz. If you don’t want to risk rejection, cross the street and watch the sidewalk salesgirls. Do they only talk to single men? Legitimate massage parlors will solicit everyone. If they are massage hookers, only men walking by themselves will be approached. If the storefront sign is Porn Pink and the sidewalk girls are young and hot, you’re in the right place.
Are They Open Past Sunset?
Depending on the time of year, most legit massage services close up early. Night life belongs to the bars, restaurants and clubs. The longer the massage storefronts remain open, the better your chance of finding a Happy Ending. But again we ask….why bother? There is so much sex available with younger, hotter strippers and escorts, why go get drenched in cheap oil and settle for a handjob from an older gal. Some guys like bondage or roleplay. We’re not judging. But settling for massage sex in Cabo is a different kind of fetish.
Forget Hotel and Beach Tents
Cabo has more than its share of Bad Boys visiting, but the hotels foster a Family Friendly environment. Their massage therapists are licensed and legitimate. Even if it would be exciting to have massage sex on the beach, the tents they set up are not private. No therapist is going to risk a good job for a $100 tip.
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