Avoid Brothels in Cabo
Dangerous Mexican on Mexican Action
If you take 5 guys and ask for a description of a brothel, chances are you will get 5 different answers. In Cabo, there are two types. One is where the Mexicans go. These are usually residential homes in bad neighborhoods. The escorts who staff these places are often older. That cute young girl with the big tits at the strip club will be working in a brothel in a few years. The lines on the mirror lead to lines on her face. Bad diet leads to a fat ass, which will be sagging due to lack of sleep and exercise. She’s still fuckable, but the price is negotiable. Even if you speak Spanish, the savings are not worth the risk.
Cartels Own Cabo
Mexican cartels are in Cabo in a big way. They own a lot of restaurants, hotels, clubs and shops in the harbor area. Stay in that area. It’s not as safe outside, especially at a Mexican brothel. The strip clubs are the Gringo brothels. Use them.
Strip Clubs As Brothels
What is a brothel except a place where you go in, see a bunch of girls, select one, and then have sex with her on the premises? That is what strip clubs are in Cabo. These are safe, fun places where you are guaranteed to get laid.
Prices Are High, But so is Quality
The prices in Cabo are Americanized. The strip clubs are not much cheaper than those in the U.S. Because of the high percentage of English Speaking American and Canadian tourists, expect to pay top dollar for your Mexican club whore. It’s not that it isn’t worth it, but this isn’t like Ixtapa or further north in Mazatlan. These are cities where Mexican vacationers go and keep the prices low. Thus your better Hobby bargains may be found in the brothels. (Called Casa de Citas in Spanish, which literally means “House of Dates”.) But it’s both dangerous and unsatisfying