
Lots of English Speaking Escorts in Cabo

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Anunciar un Mes Gratis

The girls are all gorgeous, and even in the strip clubs they speak English. Escorts in Cabo are on the streets, in clubs and casinos, and there are independent escorts online. For tourists the availability of prostitutes is limited.  In 2018, the Sinaloa Cartel moved in and started taxing independent escorts.  They drove the escort services out of town, and took over.   

While Monterrey, Manzanillo and Mazatlan are great strip club cities, they can’t compete with Cabo.  Mexico City has enormous amounts of streetwalkers, but they all hang out in dangerous areas.  In Cabo, the street hookers look normal and approach single males in the tourist zone.  Many of the massage parlors offer happy endings.  For these reasons Cabo is ranked #2 in our list of the Best Escort Cities in Mexico.

naughty naked teen


Beware of Mexican Brothels

The good new is that every strip club in Cabo is a brothel.   The action isn’t in table dances.  The strip club is where you meet the girls.  The brothel is where you have sex with them.  It’s all under one roof.  Don’t leave the tourist areas looking for bargains, even if you speak Spanish and have experience.  The Mexican whore houses aren’t safe in Cabo.

Avoid Online Ads in Spanish

Cartel owners have invested heavily into downtown Cabo.  You’re safe there.  But that safety doesn’t extend to Mexican independent escorts, or even escort services.  As long as the cartel soldiers stay out of the tourist areas, they are free to engage in extortion or kidnapping.  This includes Americans, Canadians and Europeans.  If your hotel is in the tourist zone, you are safe.  But if you have a private residence, or are staying outside the downtown corridor near the harbor, you are fair game.

Happy Ending Massage

There are both legitimate therapeutic massage parlors in Cabo San Lucas, and the kind that gives happy endings.  It’s easy to tell the difference once you have read our suggestions.

In conclusion, Cabo has the best sexual services of any city in Mexico.  These services are also the most expensive of any city in Mexico.  As long as you stay in the tourist zone, you’re safe.  Sex is one reason why gentlemen visit Cabo again and again.